2024 Regatta 
WHO: All ages, open to teams and individuals
WHAT: Paducah Regatta
WHEN: Saturday, July 13. Registration and boat building begin at 8:45 a.m. Boat Races at 10 a.m.
WHERE: Noble Park Pool
FEE: $20 per boat (tax included)
The Paducah Parks & Recreation Department is holding the Paducah Regatta on Saturday, July 13 at the Noble Park Pool. Registration and boat building begin at 8:45 a.m. with the boat races at 10 a.m. The cost is $20 per boat. Using materials such as cardboard and duct tape to construct a boat, the goal is to race it across the pool without sinking.
Awards include the Titanic Award for the fastest or most dramatic sinking; the Largest Crew Award for the boat that is able to float while holding the most crew members; the Crowd Favorite Award; and the Overall Winner for the boat that reaches the other side of the pool with the fastest time out of all heats. All judges' decisions are final.
Participants are given a maximum of one hour to build their boat. All boat-building must stop at 9:45 a.m. All of the supplies to build your boat will be provided. All boats will be inspected by judges to make sure they meet building criteria. Materials used must consist only of paper and paper products. Duct tape and water soluble glue may be used to seal seams, holes, and cracks. Boats cannot be wrapped in plastic, tape, or any other similar material. Boats must be human-powered. Store-bought paddles are allowed that must be provided by the participant. A team can consist of one person or as many as can fit inside the boat. The length of the boat must be no more than five feet wide and 12 feet long.
For more information, contact Paducah Parks & Recreation at 270-444-8508.
Regatta Awards
Titanic Award - The boat that sinks the fastest and/or has the most dramatic sinking. Remember the captain always goes down with his/her ship!
Largest Crew Award - This goes to the boat that is able to float while holding the most crew members. It must float too; otherwise, better try for the Titanic Award.
Crowd Favorite Award - Crowd will vote for who they like the most. Rally your friends and family.
Overall Winner - This goes to the boat that reaches the other side of the pool with the fastest time out of all of the heats.
Regatta Rules
- Boats must be made entirely of paper and paper products (cardboard). NO wood, nails, staples, fiberglass, caulking, Styrofoam, plastic, etc. Duct tape, and water-soluble glues may be used to seal seams, holes and cracks.
- Boats must be made at the pool on the day of the event and must adhere to the construction materials restrictions. Contestants will be given a maximum of one-hour at the pool for boat construction prior to the race. Cardboard and duct tape will be provided. Any other decorations must be brought by the participants.
- Boats CANNOT be wrapped in plastic, tape, or any other similar material.
- Boats MUST carry A MINIMUM of 1 crew member, but the bigger (crew) the better.
- MAXIMUM boat dimensions should be no wider then 5 feet and no longer then 12 feet.
- Cardboard CANNOT be waxed, but may be painted with a "one-part" paint or varnish.
- Each team must provide their own paddles. All boats MUST be human-powered by paddle. NO motors, jet-engines, fire extinguishers, etc. Store bought paddles are allowed.
- The area in which the crew is to sit CANNOT be entirely enclosed. This is for your safety.
- Decorations and props that DO NOT ADD to the buoyancy of the boat are allowed and encouraged.
- Surfboard style designs are NOT allowed. Raft style (think Huck Finn) designs are allowed, provided your "logs" and "lashings" are made of legal paper products.
- The name of the boat must be displayed proudly.
- Sabotaging of other boats or crews is NOT allowed.
- Race will be the width of the Noble Park Pool, approximately 75 feet.
- Boats will compete in heats and the best time overall will be the overall winner.
- All teams must clean up after themselves before they leave. All boats and boat pieces must be discarded or taken home.
- All boats will be inspected by judges to make sure they meet building criteria. All judges' decisions are final.