Paducah Riverfront Development Advisory Board


About PRDA

The Paducah Riverfront Development Advisory Board (PRDA), established by Paducah Code of Ordinances Section 2-577 through 2-580, was created in 2017 by the Paducah Board of Commissioners.  The Advisory Board assists and advises the Paducah Board of Commissioners in the development of civic projects and development plans which are intended to revitalize, improve, and generally enhance Paducah's riverfront.

The Paducah Riverfront Development Advisory Board has the following roles and functions:

  • Assist with the development of a tax increment financing district;
  • Assist with the implementation of strategies outlined in the Renaissance Area Master Plan (RAMP);
  • Assist with the review of development proposals for City-owned properties along the riverfront; and
  • Select its chairperson and secretary and meet not less than quarterly.
Advisory Board Members

The Board consists of five members appointed by the Mayor with the approval of a majority of the members of the Board of Commissioners. One member of the Paducah Board of Commissioners may be designated to serve as ex-officio to the Advisory Board.

Paul Gouriex
Julie Harris
Ashlea McMillan
Uppinder Mehan
Mayor Pro Tem Sandra Wilson - ex-officio 
Elisha Winslow

PRDA Meetings

The Board is holding a called meeting on Friday, February 28, 2025, at 3 p.m. It will be held in the the conference room at the back of the City Commission Chambers on the second floor of City Hall (300 South 5th Street).

PRDA Agenda - February 28, 2025
PRDA Agenda - July 22, 2024

Paducah Commons - Small Area Plan

The Paducah Commons Small Area Master Plan covers an approximately six square block area located on the Paducah riverfront between the Convention Center and the rehabilitated Schultz Park and transient dock. The site is key in that it exists adjacent to the Holiday Inn Paducah Riverfront which opened in 2017. The park will act as a major transition between Downtown Paducah and the Convention Center.  The City is interested in how the space may be used as a new park and how the park may connect the Riverfront as a spur to private redevelopment in Lowertown and from the Convention Center to Downtown.

A master plan, which was completed in 2015, has the following goals:

  • Blending the new park into the overall city development pattern,
  • Facilitating pedestrian and vehicular traffic from the riverfront to the downtown core and back,
  • Accommodating and extending the City’s proposed greenway trail, and
  • Formally deciding on appropriate uses in order to craft an implementable plan. 

The process was a collaborative effort between RATIO’s project design team and the Paducah riverfront stakeholders of neighborhood, community and business leaders. 

Renaissance Area Master Plan

In 2010, the PRDA engaged a multi-disciplinary planning, design, and market assessment team to develop the Renaissance Area Master Plan (RAMP) for downtown Paducah.  The RAMP was funded by a 2009 Preserve America grant through the National Park Service that included a match from the City of Paducah.  This initiative - covering the historic downtown core, the riverfront, and LowerTown - was designed with its primary mission to better link these three areas, in order to improve the market for each. The PRDA stressed this in its major outcome of the RAMP:

"It is important to the City to create a way for cultural and natural heritage tourists to be able to reach these three areas without interruption in order to be able to have a pleasant experience viewing and interacting with Paducah’s cultural and natural localities."

The RAMP is a comprehensive document that will be used as guidance for years to come.  It was adopted by the former Paducah Riverfront Development Authority (PRDA) on March 20, 2012.  The Paducah City Commission adopted a resolution accepting the plan on April 23, 2013.  As stated in the resolution, the plan shall be used to guide development and make capital improvements.  Every action item within the plan will require separate and specific implementation strategies by the City of Paducah, its agencies, and others.  Approval of the resolution does not obligate the city to implement every action item proposed in the document.  The city should remain opportunistic and react to proposals as resources become available. 

To read the entire RAMP with incorporated amendments from 2013, visit Renaissance Area Master Plan.