About Code Enforcement
The Code Enforcement section of the Fire Prevention Division enforces all applicable laws, rules, and regulations in order to provide a healthy, clean, and pleasant environment for the citizens of Paducah. Code Enforcement is housed on the first floor of City Hall (300 South 5th Street).
Report Code Enforcement Issues through Paducah 311
Paducah 311 enhances the public’s experience by providing more ways to request a service, report issues, or ask a question through an app and online portal. Paducah 311 is not for emergencies. Call 9-1-1 for emergency situations.
Report Code Enforcement Issues through Paducah 311
Frequently Asked Questions
- How tall can grass be on my lawn?
Grass should not exceed ten (10) inches in height. However, we have to look at locations on a case-by-case basis since some ornamental grasses can be exempted from the height requirement. This height requirement also applies to vacant lots. Some parcels of undeveloped property such as a large field may be exempt; however, the right-of-way must still be maintained.
- How will I be notified if my grass needs to be mowed and how long do I have to get it mowed?
Initial Property Violation Notice After receiving a complaint or seeing a code violation regarding high grass and weeds, the code enforcement officer posts a violation notice on the property that needs attention. The notice is not mailed. Property owner has seven (7) days from the time of notice to address the high grass and weeds issue.
Citation Issued If the violation is not addressed in seven (7) days, a citation/fine is mailed to the property owner.
City Abates Violation If the violation remains unaddressed after an additional seven (7) days from the citation date, the City hires a contractor to abate the violation (mow the lawn). The property owner will need to pay the fine and the City's cost to abate the violation.
Lien on Property If the fine and abatement costs are not paid in 30 days, a lien is filed on the property. Code Enforcement encourages property owners to verify their properties are being maintained. Hiring a property manager is advised if you own multiple properties in the city.
- What happens if someone dumps debris such as an old couch, scrap metal, or tires on my property?
The responsibility falls on the property owner. The property owner is responsible for the removal of those items regardless of the fact that someone else tossed the discarded items onto their property.
- Who is responsible for a tree hanging over on my property?
Typically, trees and tree limbs are more of a neighbor issue than a code enforcement issue. A property owner is responsible for the portion of the tree that hangs over on their property regardless of the location of the base of the tree.
If my neighbor’s tree falls onto my house, who is responsible? The simple answer is that you are responsible for the portion of the tree that is now on your property. However, we have seen neighbors offering to help out neighbors in these cases. The best advice is to speak with your neighbor about the issue. Otherwise, consult an attorney, as this is a private matter.
If there is a tree or vegetation that is blocking clear vision at a corner or intersection, contact the Public Works Department at 270-444-8511.
- Who is responsible for the maintenance of a vacant house or property?
The currently listed property owner is responsible for a vacant house or property. We often see problems pop up with vacant structures in which the property owner may have moved or is elderly and is no longer living there. This can be frustrating for neighbors who want the property maintained. Plus, this situation is difficult for the code enforcement officers since they are working to find either the property owner or a responsible family member to take care of the property.
- What should I do if there is an abandoned home in my neighborhood that is not being maintained or a home in disrepair?
Our goals are to give property owners due notification and a chance to take care of their property. We want property owners to be responsible and responsive.
- Initial Property Violation Notice After receiving a complaint or seeing a code violation, the code enforcement officer posts a property maintenance violation on the structure and photographs the visible violations.
- Correction or Condemnation Notice In addition to posting a notice on the structure, the correction or condemnation notice is mailed to the listed property owner.
- Must Contact Code Enforcement After receiving a correction or condemnation notice, the property owner needs to contact Code Enforcement in the Fire Prevention Division (270-444-8522) on the first floor of City Hall and obtain a permit for repairs.
- Re-Inspection The code enforcement officer conducts a follow-up inspection after 60 business days to see if the violation(s) is being addressed. Goal is to see progress on the items listed on the property maintenance notice. If there is no response or activity, the City will issue a Failure to Comply Letter.
- Continued Inspections, Fines, and Liens Code enforcement officers will continue to inspect the structure. Fines start accumulating at the third and sequential inspections if no progress is being made. Liens and any abatement costs may occur after the 5th inspection. Foreclosure and/or demolition is a possible abatement activity by the City on idle/abandoned properties.
- How do I ask a question or file a complaint?
If you have a question or would like to file a complaint about a property maintenance issue, contact Code Enforcement at 270-444-8522. A code enforcement officer will check on the complaint typically within three business days or sooner.