About the Planning Commission
The City of Paducah Planning Commission is established by Paducah Code of Ordinances Section 82-31 through 82-35 pursuant to KRS 100.133. It is a seven-member citizen board appointed by the Mayor and approved by the City Commission. The Planning Commission has numerous duties including, but not limited to the following:
- Hold Public Hearings
- Review and approve subdivisions
- Review annexation requests and make recommendations to the City Commission
- Review Conditional Use applications and make recommendations to the Board of Adjustment
- Review and approve Development plans and amendments
- Review Planned Unit Developments
- Review and approve applications for zone changes and map amendments
- Make recommendations to the City Commission or the Board of Adjustment
Planning Commission and URCDA Meetings
The Planning Commission meets on the first Monday of the month at 5:30 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City Hall (unless otherwise noted due to holidays or meeting cancellations). Deadlines for these meetings are 21 days prior to the meeting date before noon. The Urban Renewal & Community Development Agency (URCDA) holds its meetings on the same day as the regular meeting of the Planning Commission.
Recent agendas are below.
- March 3 Planning Commission Agenda
- February 3 Planning Commission - cancelled due to lack of agenda items
Planning Commission - URCDA Minutes
The meetings are televised live on Government 11 (Comcast Cable channel 11). Click the three lines on the top right of the video to see a playlist of recent meetings.
Members, Applications, and URCDA
- Planning Commission Members
Terms for the Planning Commission members are four years.
Chairman - Bob Wade (term expires August 31, 2028)
Vice Chairman - David Morrison, Jr. (term expires August 31, 2025)
Joe Benberry (term expires August 31, 2025)
Micky Carman (term expires August 31, 2027)
Trey Griffin (term expires August 31, 2026)
Gayle Kaler (term expires August 31, 2027)
Allan Rhodes (term expires August 31, 2026) - Planning Commission Applications
The Planning Commission – URCDA has several applications including Major Amendment to Development Plan, Minor Amendment to Development Plan, Multiple Principal Structures, Planned Unit Development, Similar Principal Permitted Use, Variance, Waiver of Subdivision, and Zone Change.
Note: The Major Subdivision application must be submitted using this form.
- Urban Renewal & Community Development Agency (URCDA)
The Urban Renewal & Community Development Agency (URCDA) is a special board of the city authorized under KRS 99.33-99.590 of the Kentucky Revised Statute and established under Paducah Code of Ordinances Section 34-121 through 34-123. URCDA members also serve as members of the Paducah Planning Commission. The remaining members of the Paducah Planning Commission serve as alternate members of URCDA.
Specific powers and duties of the board include the ability to purchase, lease, or acquire any real or personal property by negotiation or eminent domain within the City of Paducah for the purposes of redevelopment. Property owned by Urban Renewal can then be sold, rented, repaired, or managed by the board. Urban Renewal also has the authority to obtain loans, grants, or other sources of funds for redevelopment projects. The board may also develop building sites, make infrastructure improvements, and demolish buildings among other duties listed in KRS 99.360.
URCDA Board Members
David Morrison
Valerie Pollard
Lorraine Schramke
Bob WadeAcquiring Property
URCDA owns several properties in the city that will hopefully be redeveloped. Anyone interested in one of these properties may submit a proposal to the board for development to acquire the property. The process to make a proposal for a property starts by contacting the Planning Department (270-444-8690). The property then has to be publicly advertised for approximately two weeks by placing an advertisement in the Paducah Sun and posting a sign on the property. Urban Renewal can either select the proposal based on a majority vote, ask for more information, or reject any or all proposals.
The proposal must contain at a minimum:
- the proposed use of the property (plans/elevations if applicable)
- an estimate of the improvements to be made to the property by a third party contractor
- timeline for improvements (start/finish dates)
- how much you are willing to pay for the lot/property